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We try to make as many sustainable choices as possible, our motto being that every little bit helps.

Water conservation

We live in a region where water is scarce. That is why all taps and showers in the guest rooms are equipped with a water-saving system. We also appreciate it very much if our guests take this water scarcity into account when showering, for example, or limiting the laundry by reusing towels multiple times.

In the water management of our B&B we have installed multiple water filters, which makes the water perfectly drinkable. In the honesty bar there are always chilled bottles of drinking water that guests can use without restriction. These reusable glass bottles help to reduce the purchase, use and waste of plastic bottles.


In addition to the reduced use of plastic, we also separate this waste stream as much as possible. Our guests can also throw away their plastic bottles, cans or other plastic packaging material separately. We then ensure that it ends up in the correct waste containers for recycling.

We hope to be able to realize even more sustainable adjustments in the future, such as installing solar panels.

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Published 24-06-2024 / Copyright © Boutique B&B El Refugio